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Inside Sight Reading with Cynthia Sanger

Bakalar Recital Hall (Brookline Music School) 25 Kennard Road, Brookline, MA, United States

Join BMS Piano Faculty member and expert sight reader Cynthia Sanger for a sight reading workshop! Cynthia shares a window into her own process of playing and learning a new piece for the first time. The first half of the …


Performance Workshop

Bakalar Recital Hall (Brookline Music School) 25 Kennard Road, Brookline, MA, United States

Student Recital

Bakalar Recital Hall (Brookline Music School) 25 Kennard Road, Brookline, MA, United States

Free and Open to the Public 3:00pm & 4:30pm

Student Recitals

Bakalar Recital Hall (Brookline Music School) 25 Kennard Road, Brookline, MA, United States

Free and Open to the Public

Children’s Concert

Hunneman Hall (Brookline Public Library) 361 Washington Street, Brookline, MA, United States

Enjoy an Educational Performance by BMS Faculty! In collaboration with the Public Schools of Brookline. Free Tickets Required.  Program: Camille Saint-Saens, Carnival of the Animals Three Performances:  2:00pm 2:45pm 3:30pm THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT. TICKETS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE …


Children’s Concert

Hunneman Hall (Brookline Public Library) 361 Washington Street, Brookline, MA, United States

Enjoy an Educational Performance by BMS Faculty! In collaboration with the Public Schools of Brookline. Free Tickets Required. Program: Camille Saint-Saens, Carnival of the Animals Three Performances:  2:00pm 2:45pm 3:30pm TICKET SALES END AT 12PM THE DAY-OF. LATE-RESERVE TICKETS ARE …


Children’s Concert

Hunneman Hall (Brookline Public Library) 361 Washington Street, Brookline, MA, United States

Enjoy an Educational Performance by BMS Faculty! In collaboration with the Public Schools of Brookline. Free Tickets Required.  Program: Camille Saint-Saens, Carnival of the Animals Three Performances:  2:00pm 2:45pm 3:30pm TICKET SALES END AT 12PM THE DAY-OF. LATE-RESERVE TICKETS ARE …


Performance Workshop

Bakalar Recital Hall (Brookline Music School) 25 Kennard Road, Brookline, MA, United States

Student Recital

Bakalar Recital Hall (Brookline Music School) 25 Kennard Road, Brookline, MA, United States

Student Recital

Bakalar Recital Hall (Brookline Music School) 25 Kennard Road, Brookline, MA, United States

Student Outreach Concert

Brookline Senior Center 93 Winchester St, Brookline, MA, United States

Student Outreach Concert at the Brookline Senior Center Fulfills outreach concert requirement for both Achievement in Musicianship and Young Artist's Certificates.