

Age 3-4

Musical Adventures offers an exciting exploration of diverse musical concepts for young learners and their caregivers. This year-long course focuses on building a strong musical foundation through engaging, interactive experiences that span various musical traditions and styles.

Each term covers the following:

  • Meet the Orchestra (Fall term 8 weeks) 
  • Explore Saint-Saëns’ “Carnival of the Animals” (Winter term 10 weeks
  • Discover multicultural music from around the world (Spring term 8 weeks)

Children and caregivers will:

  • Engage in singing and chanting activities
  • Participate in stylized movement and dance
  • Musically interact with teacher and peers
  • Use percussive instruments and movement props

The course emphasizes age-appropriate musical activities, encouraging children to develop a broad understanding of music through hands-on experiences.

Musical Adventures is designed for active participation of both child and caregiver, fostering a shared love of music. Through this class, children enhance their musical skills while broadening their cultural awareness and creative expression.

How To Enroll

Enroll for Musical Adventures using the button below. Please fill out our inquiry form for more information about our next enrollment period.


  • There is a once-yearly non-refundable $45 registration fee per family.
  • There is a $20 fee per term for payment plans.
  • No registration fee is charged for summer study.