
AIM Certificate Program

Brookline Music School’s Achievement in Musicianship (AIM) Certificate Program is designed to encourage students to engage more broadly with music, beyond the private lesson studio. Students enrolled in the program explore music from multiple angles, with an emphasis on sharing the experience with others in their community at BMS and beyond.

The program includes a combination of core requirements and flexible electives, including:

  • performance in BMS recitals and workshops;
  • participation in master classes and salons;
  • concert attendance as an audience member;
  • ensemble participation;
  • enrollment in a Music Theory class;
  • and community outreach performances.

The program’s straightforward, flexible structure and informal performance evaluation make it accessible to enthusiastic musicians of all levels who wish to broaden their musical experience and celebrate music with others. Students may sign up for this program annually, and are awarded an AIM Certificate at the year end award ceremony.

AIM Certificate Requirements

Core Activities: Complete all over the course of the Academic Year

♫ Private lesson enrollment in all 16 weeks of Term II, and at least 10 weeks of Term 1

♫ Complete one 6-Week Theory & Musicianship class at any level

♫ Perform in at least two BMS Recitals (Student, Departmental, Studio, etc.) or Master Classes with different repertoire

♫ Participate in at least one Performance Workshop or Salon

♫ Play a comments-only performance evaluation at the end of the academic year

♫ Attend at least one BMS Faculty Concert or Student Master Class in which you are not a performer

Electives: Complete at least 3 of the 6 below

♫ Participate in an ensemble for at least one semester at BMS (Dynamic Duos, Chamber, Jazz/Rock)

♫ Play in a student community outreach concert

♫ Participate in one departmental event (Spring Strings Recital, JazzJam, Chamber Recitals, etc); may not double as core recital participation

♫ Attend a special topic workshop presented by faculty

♫ Complete a monthly practice challenge

♫ Complete a BMS Listening Club assignment and response worksheet

Enroll Today

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